10 Ways Google Empowers Sustainable Choices in 2024

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Key Impact Points:

  • Travel Smart with Google: Discover train options on Google Search, choose fuel-efficient routes on Google Maps marked with a green leaf, and compare electric cars in the US and Europe.
  • Sustainable Car Usage: Use Google’s Fuel Cost Calculator in 21 countries to compare fuel costs of electric and gas cars, visualize EV range with Battery Range Explorer, and access detailed charging station info on Android and iOS.
  • Eco-friendly Home Upgrades: Compare heating and cooling systems on Google Search, including efficiency and financial incentives, and find recycling drop-off locations worldwide.
  • Sustainable Shopping Aids: Google Search now shows pre-owned and refurbished options for clothes and electronics, and a Sustainable Shopping Grid highlights these choices across the web.
  • Empowering Green Choices: Google’s 2024 initiatives focus on helping users make sustainable choices in daily activities like travel, transportation, home energy, and shopping.

Google aims to be your partner in building a greener future. In 2024, we’re offering innovative tools and information to help you make more sustainable choices across various aspects of your life. Here’s a look at 10 ways we’re doing this:

Travel Smarter:

  1. Go Green When You Go: Discover train options alongside flights in Google Search, making eco-conscious travel choices easier.
  2. Fuel Efficiency First: Choose the greenest route in Google Maps, identified by a little green leaf, for a more fuel-efficient journey.
  3. EV Savvy Shopping: Compare electric car prices, range, power, and incentives in the US and Europe, making informed buying decisions.

Fuel Your Ride Sustainably:

  1. Charging Cost Calculator: Understand the fuel costs of both electric and gas-powered cars with our updated Fuel Cost Calculator in 21 countries.
  2. Conquer Range Anxiety: Visualize your EV’s range with Battery Range Explorer, factoring in destination, elevation, and speed limits.
  3. Find Your Charge: Access detailed charging station information on Android and iOS, including compatibility, available speeds, and real-time availability.

Upgrade Your Home Eco-consciously:

  1. Heating and Cooling Comparison: Easily compare home heating and cooling systems in Search, learning about capabilities, efficiency, and financial incentives.
  2. Recycle Right: Locate nearby recycling drop-off locations for various materials worldwide through specific searches on Google Search and Maps.

Shop Responsibly:

  1. Embrace Secondhand: When searching for products like clothes or electronics on Google, discover pre-owned and refurbished options alongside new ones.
  2. Sustainable Shopping Grid: Explore a visual grid of product listings from across the web, highlighting pre-owned options for conscious consumerism.

Related Article: Google, ASM, and HP Join Schneider Electric’s Catalyze Program for Decarbonizing Semiconductor Supply Chain

By leveraging these tools and information, you can make sustainable choices every day, from travel and transportation to home energy and shopping. Google is committed to empowering you to build a greener future, one small step at a time.