BMW addresses future-oriented customer segment with high-quality editorial content Feature stories highlight facets of modern, sustainable luxury and technological progress The 140-page collectable magazine, with each issue de-fined by a single theme, will be available from newsagents and selected locations from 21 September.
In times of change and digitalisation, sensory experience, mindset and engagement with the future come to the fore. BMW now launches FREUDE.FOREVER on the international market, a magazine that embodies and conveys sensory experience, mindset and sustainability – haptically, visually and in terms of content. In this way, BMW is seeking to reach a customer segment that is interested in taking a look outside the box and tackling the issues of the future here and now. The focus is on leap innovations – highly innovative solutions that offer perspectives on both a technological and human level that have the potential to change a society. Technology has to be an enabler and a partner: explored through a magazine issue structure assigned to the seven senses, the subject matter is highly relevant and closely oriented towards readers.
Published periodically to mark specific occasions or events, each issue of the magazine will focus on a single theme, with the first one exploring the link between modern luxury and enduring sustainability. The elegantly designed, 140-page collectable magazine will be available from newsagents, at airports, at selected partner hotels and online from 21 September.
“Our aim is to effect change by exploring possible solutions to the challenges of our time as well as reflecting social trends. We’re looking to provide space for new thinking based on quality editorial content, inspiring our customers and developing a common mindset in terms of the ideas and attitudes that will carry us into the future. This is what our new print magazine FREUDE.FOREVER stands for, telling unique stories and revealing fresh perspectives. We have ideal partners for this venture: our creative agency THE GAME, founded especially for BMW, and the publisher LOOPING GROUP,” says Jens Thiemer.
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LOOPING GROUP is the partner of THE GAME, an agency established by the BMW Group and the BMW brand in 2021 to produce FREUDE.FOREVER. LOOPING combines longstanding experience of magazine journalism and corporate publishing with an extraordinary flair for topics and storytelling. At the same time, BMW will cultivate the freedom to tell stories from different angles, giving rise to unexpected emotions and unusual perspectives.
This is reflected in the editorial design of the magazine, too: there are no conventional sections. Always focusing on human concerns, each article will touch on one of the seven senses, also conveyed through the magazine’s layout: Hearing, Smell, Taste, Movement, Touch, Proprioception, Sight. The first issue focuses on first-hand insights into new, sustainable luxury while shedding light on technological progress: a designer of sound-absorbing furniture is featured, for example, and the inventor of a laboratory technique that revolutionises the manufacturing process for perfumes and fragrances to ensure sustainability.
“We firmly believe that a high-quality print magazine will have an enormous impact on the substance of our brand. We’re combining print and digital because we want to offer ideal access for each target group and we believe in interaction between the two channels,” says Stefan Ponikva, Vice President Brand Communication and Brand Experience at BMW.
FREUDE.FOREVER starts with a circulation of approximately 150,000 copies worldwide, 50,000 of which will be in German and 100,000 in English.
Source: BMW Group