Driving Greater Accountability with New ESG Measures


Part of what makes Salesforce an amazing company is our belief that business is the greatest platform for change. Our commitment to equality and sustainability helps us be a better company — and foster more inclusive, equitable, and resilient communities.

In order to build greater accountability and accelerate our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, we will include ESG goals as part of our executive compensation programs. Going forward, a portion of executive variable pay for Executive Vice President and above will be determined by four ESG measures. For this fiscal year, the measures will focus on equality and sustainability.

  • The equality measures will focus on increasing representation of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and multiracial employees in the U.S., and of women employees globally.
  • The sustainability measures will focus on reducing air travel emissions, as well as increasing spend with suppliers who have signed Salesforce’s Sustainability Exhibit, a procurement contract with the goal of reducing our collective carbon footprint and helping our suppliers set and meet climate targets.

This new initiative will help us continue to drive meaningful results this year, and accelerate our progress on these important issues.