Nexus Robotics Receives $2.6 Million In Grant Funding From Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)


Nexus Robotics Inc. was just awarded $2.6M in grant funding from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), which will be used to create the next generation of our robots and continue to develop intensively to provide farmers with even more environmentally-friendly benefits, and bring a truly revolutionary product to the agro technology market worldwide. “This grant not only confirms our technology advancement and the potential of our business model, it also confirms our ESG status and ensures our capacity to pursue our R&D roadmap,” says Luc Labbé, CEO.

Using a very unique combination of articulated arms, Artificial Intelligence and advanced algorithms to remove weeds and treat diseased plants, Nexus Robotics’ self-driving robots help increase crop yield. In measurable terms, a single Nexus robot can help reduce herbicide and fungicide application by 50%, and allows for better use of manual labor by replacing up to five people in the weeding-related tasks.

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At this time, we are rolling out the second generation of Nexus Robotics field robots in Canadian fields for the summer, all of which will be moving to California later this year to allow for a continuous improvement of the AI software powering the machines over the winter months. Nexus Robotics will attend and showcase its robot at the 2022 FIRA-USA convention in Fresno, CA from October 18th to 20th, 2022.

Source: Nexus Robotics