OceanFirst Bank Publishes First ESG Report


OceanFirst Financial announced that the Bank has published its first-ever Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Report. The ESG Report highlights the Bank’s policies, practices and recent initiatives across a range of areas, including equitable access to capital; diversity, equity and inclusion; employee health and wellness; support for the community; environmental priorities; corporate governance; and other vital matters. The ESG Report is accessible by visiting the Investor Relations section of oceanfirst.com.

“We are proud to announce the first formal ESG Report for OceanFirst is now available on our website, while noting that our commitment to serve all of our stakeholders in a responsible manner dates back more than a century, reflecting our strong roots as a community banking organization,” said Christopher D. Maher, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

See related article: Forbright Releases Inaugural 2021 ESG Report

“As our society and economy experience dramatic changes, we believe that companies must demonstrate leadership in a wide range of areas broadly known as ESG. At OceanFirst, we are acutely aware of the vital importance of maintaining responsible ESG policies and practices – to serve the interests of our stakeholders; expand access to economic opportunity; protect our enterprise from external risks; and fulfill our responsibilities to our communities, society and planet,” Mr. Maher added.

Source: OceanFirst Financial Corp.