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The Future Of Education


The Future Of Education The pandemic fundamentally changed our approach to learning. Join us to discuss the future of free speech on college campuses, what the cancellation of student debt would mean for educational equity and how vocational and trade schools can help tackle today’s labor shortages. Speakers https://esgnews.com/esg-lifestyle/

No Transformation Without Information: Improving Educational Outcomes for Children in Crisis #UNGA77

135 Madison Ave 135 Madison Ave, Floor 8, New York, New York, United States

With 222 million crisis-affected children and adolescents in need of education, there is an urgent necessity to better understand and respond to the education needs of crisis-affected people. Strong and coherent systems to collect, analyze, and share information on education in emergencies — across the humanitarian-development nexus — are essential and indispensable. The panel conversation...

ESG: Unlocking Impact Through Education #UNGA77

New York City, Midtown East New York, New York, United States

A new approach to ESG and Corporate Social Responsibility This event is open to ESG, social impact, corporate philanthropy and sustainability professionals. Evidence demonstrates strong correlations between education and diverse outcomes ranging from health, climate, economic growth and wages to equity, diversity and inclusion. This event will explore how corporate actions, small and large, can...

Reimagining the Future of Learning for Sustainability and Inclusivity #UNGA77

10 Hudson Yards 10 Hudson Yards, New York, New York, United States

Join SAP and World Scouting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly for a conversation on the importance of non-formal education and skills education to equip young generations with the skills they need in an ever-changing reality. In this gathering, we aim to bring together the voices of youth and decision-makers to continue the...

International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management (ICSTM 2023)

Park Inn by Radisson Copenhagen Airport , Denmark

2023 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism Management (ICSTM 2023) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark during August 25-27, 2023. The conference was initiated in 2017 and held in Barcelona, Spain,...

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

Davos, Switzerland

"Rebuilding Trust" The 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will provide a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency and accountability. This...

Speeki Academy: Live Online Courses

Virtual Event

Welcome to Speeki Academy: immersive online training sessions designed to equip professionals with essential skills in the realms of ESG and sustainability, corporate due diligence, whistleblowing and more. Our curriculum...

International Day of Education

To invest in people, prioritize education The year 2023 marks the mid-point since the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for people, planet and prosperity, with a set of 17 interlocked goals that will come...

International Girls in ICT Day

In 2024, International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on 25 April. This year the main ITU celebration will be held in the Philippines and kindly hosted by the...