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Tag: Green Bond

Iberdrola Issues €400 Million Share-Linked Green Bond
AIB Raises €500 Million in Seventh Green Bond to Fund Ireland’s Energy Transition
Neste Issues €700 Million Green Bond to Expand World’s Largest Renewable Diesel and SAF Facility
Air Liquide Issues €500 Million Green Bond to Fund Low-Carbon Hydrogen and Energy Transition
Canada Plans Third Green Bond After $11 Billion Investor Demand in Past Issuances
Allied Announces $450M Green Bond Offering to Refinance Debt and Fund Sustainable Projects
EBRD Invests $40M in Local Green Bond Issued by Moroccan Rail Operator, ONCF
KKR’s ContourGlobal Secures Over $1 Billion in Green Bond Issuance to Drive Renewable Transition
Qatar Commits $2.5B Green Bond Fund to Renewable Energy, Low-Carbon Real Estate
IFC Issues AUD$700 Million Green Bond to Promote Biodiversity in Emerging Markets
Iberdrola Places €800 Million Hybrid Green Bond with 3.75x Oversubscription
RBC Real Estate Fund Hits $5B Mark, Boosted by $250M Green Bond
masdar green bond