Tangible Climate Action in Chile Chile received its first $5.1 million payment under the Emission Reductions Payment Agreement (ERPA) with the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) for reducing 1.03 million...
The World Bank kicked off its 2025 funding program with an Australian dollar (AUD) 1.75 billion 5-year Sustainable Development Bond, maturing January 10, 2030. The bond, offering a 4.35% fixed...
At COP29 in Azerbaijan, a significant early pledge emerged as major development banks, including the World Bank, committed to raising climate finance to $120 billion annually by 2030. This figure...
Key Impact Points: Bond Pricing and Details On October 15, 2024, the World Bank priced a 10-year GBP-denominated benchmark bond, raising £700 million to support sustainable development activities in its...
The World Bank (IBRD, Aaa/AAA) successfully raised $6.5 billion through a dual-tranche Sustainable Development Bond issuance, marking its largest order book to date. The offering included a $3 billion 2-year...
The World Bank has priced its largest-ever outcome bond, a $225 million Amazon Reforestation-Linked Bond, designed to tie financial returns directly to the success of reforestation projects in the Amazon....
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD) has mandated HSBC to structure a new outcome bond to address reforestation efforts in the Brazilian Amazon region. This principal...
Summit to take place October 9-10 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, presented by Global Citizen and Bridgewater Associates Summit to support the World Bank’s IDA21 replenishment in its ambition to improve living conditions, support...
World Bank Group, African Development Bank initiative could halve the number of people in Africa living without electricity access The World Bank Group and African Development Bank Group are partnering...
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the World Bank have signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance collaboration on infrastructure development and support the achievement of the...
A new World Bank program is set to strengthen and expand the electricity network, improve sector financial viability, and enable renewable energy generation through private sector participation in Ethiopia. Ethiopia...
The World Bank has extended a facility of close to $300 million to the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB), to support distributed renewable energy (DRE) and...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) today priced a 10-year euro-denominated benchmark bond maturing in February 2034, raising EUR 3 billion. The transaction attracted over...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD) today priced a seven-year $100 million, principal-protected Plastic Waste Reduction-Linked Bond. This innovative bond provides investors with a financial return...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD rated Aaa/AAA) has priced its first benchmark of 2024 – an Australian dollar 2 billion 5-year bond due January 10,...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) priced a new 5-year CAD $1.4 billion benchmark that matures in January 2029. World Bank bonds support the financing...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) priced a 7-year benchmark bond that matures in January 2031. The Sustainable Development Bond raised USD 5 billion from...
Tapping Georgia’s vast renewable potential, developing its transport and logistics infrastructure, and supporting digital businesses could boost the country’s productivity and economic competitiveness, helping the country reach high-income status, according to...
The World Bank announced at COP28 a new Climate and Health Program to urgently respond to the rising negative health impacts of climate change in low- and middle-income countries. Through...
The world is not on track with meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As of 2022, 2.2 billion people lacked safely managed drinking water, 3.5 billion lacked access to safely...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated a new floating solar plant on Cirata reservoir in West Java province. The 192 megawatt peak (MWp) plant is the third largest floating solar plant...
Building Green Could Reduce Carbon Emissions from Construction by 23 percent The transition to green construction could help reduce global carbon emissions in construction value chains by about 23 percent...
The U.S. Department of State, the Bezos Earth Fund, The Rockefeller Foundation, and the World Bank announced a strategic collaboration between the Energy Transition Accelerator (ETA) and the World Bank...
The government of Bangladesh and the World Bank signed a $300 million financing agreement to equip about 900,000 economically disengaged rural youth with skills and alternative education needed for employment...
The World Bank Board of Directors approved two new projects for Argentina. The first focuses on increasing access to financing for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) so that they...
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $1.5 billion in financing to accelerate India’s development of low-carbon energy. The financing will help India promote low-carbon energy by scaling up...
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved $67.7 million to help finance the first phase of the Kyrgyz Renewable Energy Development Project that aims to increase renewable energy generation...
The World Bank Board of Directors approved a US$150 million loan to promote investment in green hydrogen projects in Chile, accelerating the country’s green growth, energy transition and supporting its...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, announced the signing of a green and sustainability-linked loan to ENGIE Energía Chile. This financing, for a total...
Finance Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno and World Bank Country Director for the Philippines Ndiamé Diop signed four (4) loan agreements amounting to US$1.14 billion on June 26, 2023 at the...
The World Bank has approved US$250 million in financing to improve the efficiency of water services in Jordan through the rehabilitation of water distribution networks, improving energy efficiency and strengthening...
The World Bank has priced a New Zealand dollar 950 million 3-year 5.00% fixed-rate bond due June 22, 2026. The benchmark bond was launched with an initial minimum target size...
A new project approved by the Board of the World Bank will help increase the use of renewable energy in public facilities in Türkiye. The $549 million Public and Municipal Renewable...
The World Bank approved a $100 million credit to strengthen Zambia’s nature-based economy and increase economic opportunities in emerging tourism destinations in the country such as Liuwa Plains National Park,...
The government of Bangladesh and the World Bank signed two financing agreements totaling $858 million to enhance climate-resilient agricultural growth, food security, and improve road safety. The $500 million Program on...
The World Bank Board approved $450 million in financing for the Türkiye Green Industry Project, to support an efficient green transformation for industrial firms in Türkiye. The operation will direct $250...
To help address air pollution challenges and mitigate its health and economic consequences in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), the World Bank approved a EUR46.10 million loan (US$50...
The World Bank approved a US$400 million loan to support the Dominican Republic Government’s measures to broaden transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the energy sector, increase access to reliable and...
IFC and Iberdrola launched a new joint effort to promote the transition to clean and more efficient energy in several emerging markets, which includes a new IFC green and sustainability-linked...
Direct carbon pricing instruments, key policy to decarbonization, now cover almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new World Bank report Revenues from carbon taxes and...
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), in collaboration with the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges of Bangladesh and the World Bank, held...
Brazil can become a global clean energy power and save the Amazon Brazil is in a strong position to give its people a better life while also successfully confronting the...
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$345 million loan that supports China’s global public goods agenda by promoting the greening of agriculture and rural development in Hubei...
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a $150 million Development Policy Loan (DPL) for Panama, which will contribute to fostering low emission and sustainable growth while supporting enhanced...
Study emphasizes the need for adaptation effort and mitigation of unintended consequences as critical factors in achieving the European Green Deal goals As the world continues to grapple with climate...
Two new recently approved World Bank financed projects will help scale-up support to climate responsive public and private investments to promote job creation and business opportunities for women and help...
$200 Million Grant Supported by the World Bank Will Help Repair Energy Infrastructure in Ukraine The World Bank announced $200 million in grant financing for a project that will repair...
The World Bank and the Government of Romania, through the Ministry of Finance, signed a EUR 60 million loan, following its approval by the Bank’s Board of Directors on March...
Agencia EFE and the World Bank have agreed to a partnership to boost coverage of climate change, inclusion and education in Latin America and the Caribbean. The agreement aims to...
The World Bank’s Board approved a new US$100 million equivalent loan for the Armenia Green, Resilient and Inclusive Development Policy Operation (DPO). The operation supports the 2021-26 Program of the Government of...
The World Bank approved $82 million to support the Climate-Resilient and Inclusive Livelihoods Project (ProClimat Congo) in the Republic of Congo. The total amount includes a $70 million loan from...
The World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors yesterday approved a new Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Egypt, laying out the World Bank Group’s strategy in the country for FY2023–2027. The...
The First Green Transition Programmatic Development Policy Loan was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors, providing EUR 149.9 million (US$160 million equivalent) in support of Serbia’s bolstered efforts to...
The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved financing support in the amount of $12 million for the Scaling Solar 2 Project for Uzbekistan. The Project will help expand the country’s capacity...
To support the decarbonization of Senegal’s industrial sector, IFC announced a partnership with Sococim Industries, Senegal’s largest integrated cement manufacturer, which will boost low-carbon cement production, create jobs, and help...
The Government of Spain is providing a €100 million guarantee for a World Bank project aimed at repairing healthcare infrastructure and strengthening primary healthcare in Ukraine. The Health Enhancement and Life-Saving (HEAL...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD) priced a five-year $50 million, principal protected Emission Reduction-Linked Bond that provides investors a return linked to the issuance of...
The Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project was jointly launched by the Honorable Minister of Water Supply, Abdul Khan and World Bank Country Director for Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka,...
Ethiopia has signed a landmark agreement with the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (ISFL) that rewards community efforts to reduce carbon emissions by tackling deforestation and land and...
The World Bank issued a 3-year Chinese yuan denominated Sustainable Development Bond raising CNH 340 million (approximately US$50 million equivalent) due February 2026 while engaging with investors to raise awareness...
The World Bank has signed an agreement with four West and Central African nations worth $311 million to fund renewable energy projects. The funds will finance around 106 megawatts (MW)...
Ghana has become the second country in Africa after Mozambique to receive payments from a World Bank trust fund for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, commonly known as REDD+. The...
The World Bank recently approved a US$15 million in credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s program for the poorest countries, to help expand access to affordable housing...
The World Bank priced a new 5-year CAD 1 billion benchmark that matures on January 18, 2028. The World Bank launched the Sustainable Development Bond while raising awareness for the...
The World Bank is seeking to vastly expand its lending capacity to address climate change and other global crises and will negotiate with shareholders ahead of April meetings on proposals...
A one-stop-shop will offer Brazilian firms easier options to reduce their carbon footprint The World Bank Board of Directors approved a US$500 million project to expand sustainability-linked finance and strengthen...
Existing and prospective electricity customers in Chad, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Togo will benefit from the new Regional Emergency Solar Power Intervention Project (RESPITE) approved for a total amount of...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, AAA/Aaa) issued an IDR 400 billion (USDeq. 25 million) 5-year Sustainable Development Bond due December 2027. This transaction is part...
The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the World Bank and the Government of Singapore announced the launch of the Climate Action Data Trust (CAD Trust), and that initial integration and connection with...
The World Bank has approved $250 million financing to help Bangladesh strengthen environment management and promote private sector participation in green investment. The Bangladesh Environmental Sustainability and Transformation (BEST) Project will support...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) issued an AUD 50 million 15-year Sustainable Development Bond while engaging with investors on the World Bank’s strategy, projects,...
The Global Green Finance Leadership Program (GFLP) provides a platform for an in-depth regional dialogue on best practices, inspiring innovations, and the challenges of scaling-up sustainable finance. It builds on...
The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD, Aaa/AAA) priced a 4.75-year NOK 5 billion floating rate Sustainable Development Bond due June 2027 while engaging with investors on...
On Energy Day at COP27, the World Bank Group announced the creation of the Hydrogen for Development Partnership (H4D), a new global initiative to boost the deployment of low-carbon hydrogen...
Indonesia received an advance payment of US$20.9 million under the Emissions Reduction Payment Agreement between the Government of Indonesia and the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) for reducing emissions from...
The World Bank announced a new multi-partner fund that will pool funding from the global community — including donor countries, the private sector and foundations — for scalable pathways to...
Five states will be able to implement sustainable land management practices with World Bank support and under federal government coordination The World Bank Board of Directors approved a grant agreement...
The World Bank Group Board of Executive Directors approved South Africa’s request for a $497 million project to decommission and repurpose the Komati coal-fired power plant using renewables and batteries. The project...
Background The Africa Centers of Excellence project (ACEs) is the first large scale regional program funded by the World Bank in the higher education sector in Africa. It addresses higher-level...
2022 Annual Meetings The 2022 Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG) will take place in person from Monday, October 10, through Sunday, October 16...
The World Bank said on Monday it is launching a trust fund aimed at pooling public funds to provide grants for projects to reduce carbon emissions, including decommissioning coal-fired power...
The World Bank estimates that the project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 965,000 tons over 30 years. Project will strengthen railway network in Egypt, enhancing the country’s green transition....
At the 2022 General Assembly, the United Nations and the World Bank will convene global leaders to explore how new data ecosystems can unlock exponential value for the big challenges of...