Nestled in the Munich suburb of Unterschleißheim, Germany, lies the BMW Group Recycling and Dismantling Centre (RDC), a facility with a twofold mission: serving as the nation’s leading car recycler...
Investment will transform MINI Plant Oxford to an all-electric production site from 2030. Production of two new electrified models – MINI Cooper 3-door and MINI Aceman – will start in...
Airbus, BMW Group and Quantinuum, world leaders in mobility and quantum technologies, have developed a hybrid quantum-classical workflow to speed up future research using Quantum Computers to simulate quantum systems,...
Fifty years ago, Plant Rosslyn was the BMW Group’s first foreign facility. It has since become a mainstay of the global production network. To mark its silver jubilee, Milan Nedeljković,...
The BMW Group has signed a €8.0 billion syndicated revolving credit facility (RCF) with a tenor of five years and two one-year extension options. A total of 43 international and...
The BMW Group is presenting international media representatives with the first vehicles in a pilot fleet that will go into service this year. After four years of development work, the...
The BMW Group is continuing its efforts to systematically reduce CO2 emissions in the supply chain. A particular focus is on CO2-intensive materials like aluminium, steel and plastics. The BMW Group...
The BMW Group is accelerating its ramp-up of e-mobility and poised to gain even more momentum with its next vehicle generation, the NEUE KLASSE. The share of 50 percent of...
The BMW Group is systematically pursuing its climate goals for the supplier network and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of its steel sourcing. Following initial contracts with European suppliers, the...
$1 Billion New Investment in Plant Spartanburg (USA) to Prepare for the Production of Battery Electric Vehicles. At Least Six Fully-Electric BMW X-Models by 2030 produced in the U.S. Additional...
BMW addresses future-oriented customer segment with high-quality editorial content Feature stories highlight facets of modern, sustainable luxury and technological progress The 140-page collectable magazine, with each issue de-fined by a...
Innovation as the key to sustainable mobility. Newly-developed BMW round cells optimised for NEUE KLASSE architecture Costs for whole high-voltage battery up to 50% lower than for current generation CO2-reduced...
Newly-developed BMW round cells optimized for NEUE KLASSE architecture Costs for whole high-voltage battery up to 50% lower than for current generation “Huge leap in technology for energy density, charging...
The BMW Group has implemented several projects in its packaging logistics to further save resources. With these projects, the Group aims to work closely with suppliers to reduce carbon emissions...
Limitless mobility means freedom. Equipped with driving and operating aids, the all-electric MINI Cooper SE enables people with disabilities to enjoy emission-free driving fun in the small car segment for...