Environmental and Investment Considerations for Insurers in the United States

The “2021 Focus Series: ESG: Environmental and Investment Considerations for Insurers in the United States” report from Conning, Inc has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.
Concerns about climate change, social justice, and equality have been increasing for years, but in 2021, these concerns are becoming mainstream in all areas of business, including insurance.
This third installment will provide an overview of ESG, current regulations and disclosures, and a summary of some of the current efforts to standardize ESG regulations and disclosures.
The next report will, in turn, examine environmental, social, and governance concerns and what companies are doing to each of those areas. As part of each of the reports, the publisher will include a more detailed analysis of individual companies and their efforts in that area based on their 2020 filings.
See related article: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework Thematic Research Report 2022 – ResearchAndMarkets.com
ESG issues, reporting and disclosure requirements, and regulations are changing quickly, and the changes are almost certain to keep accelerating. Insurance companies that do not stay out in front of the issues will quickly find themselves at a disadvantage.
Readers can use this Report to:
- Compare a company’s ESG actions to market leaders
- Monitor pressures for insurance companies to control carbon emissions
- Prepare for likely increases in ESG reporting requirements
- Provide perspective for companies developing their ESG Investment strategy
Key research questions addressed in this report:
- How well are market leaders addressing Environmental concerns?
- Where can the insurance industry wield its power as an investor?
- What are some of the investment strategies being implemented by insurers?
- What is transition risk, and what industries are most exposed to it?
Key Topics Covered:
1. Introduction
2. Why Now?
a. Measuring the Environmental Portion of ESG
3. Environmental Concerns: The Most Easily Measured Part of ESG
a. What Companies Should We Invest In?
b. What Companies Should We Be Willing to Insure?
c. Measuring Progress on Environmental Concerns
4. Investments: The Insurance Industry’s Largest Lever
a. “Follow the Money”
b. Measuring the Insurance Industry’s Clout
c. How Are Insurers Using Their Influence?
d. Transition Risk
e. Regulators and Others Add Their Weight
5. What Companies Should Insurers Be Willing to Insure?
a. The Pressure
b. Insurers Are Responding
c. There Is Still a Need for Coal
d. A Different Approach
e. Societal Costs of the Withdrawal of Insurance Support for Coal
6. The Path Forward
Companies Mentioned
- Metropolitan
- New York Life
- Progressive
- Lincoln National
- Brighthouse
- Unum
- Aflac
- Liberty Mutual
- Prudential Allstate
- Travelers
- Nationwide
Source: Conning, Inc.